Hidden Things

Tuesday, 1 September 2015


Mono Lake surrounds with formation of corals. Photo by Wikipedia

Hi everyone, welcome back. How are you today? 

Alhamdulillah, just now, I have consulted with Sir Zul and he is okay with my blog, so far.

So, let proceed with Mono Lake. Do you know where is Mono Lake? 

Mono lake is located at Serra Nevada Mountains, California and become the largest lake in Mono Country.
The unique yet bizarre of this lake is it always forms corals as long like a tower. It has been formed the corals million years ago.

The question here is how it is happen?

No one knows how it is happen. However, after the experts had investigated, then this happen due to the Mono Lake geology surrounding.

Actually, Mono Lake has formed from the volcano. The fracture of sediment and the formation of earth like crater had proved the facts. It seems to be in the large pail.
This lake has never connected to any sea yet this lake is very salty. 

There is no animal live in the lake including fish or insects. Usually, any lake is tasteless. It is undefined as the sea is not mixed with this lake until it becomes very salty.

Through the investigation, Mono Lake has about 280 million gram of salt with the different level of salt until there is triple level raised of the sea. So that is why people call it ‘dead lake’.

According to Rosminah Haji Bakkang (2015), under this Mono Lake, there are varieties of weird formation like castle or called as tufa. Tufa is seemed like coral.
However, after the descending of lake, the tufa cannot be seen in the lake while it can be seen on the ground.

So, that is all about Mono Lake. All of you can read the details of this Mono lake here.

See you in the next post, bye! :)