Hidden Things

Setenil De Las Bodegas

Building that are squeezed by the gigantic rocks

Bluebell flower

Bluebells bloom in the Hallerbos Forest

The most luxury meal

Eggs from sturgeon fish.

London Alphabet

Globe view of London that has drawn by Stephen Wiltshire

Thursday 3 September 2015


1. Akademi Fantasia Travel. (2011). Nevsehir, Gorome National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia. Retrieved from http://www.akademifantasia.org/europe/nevsehir-goreme-national-park-and-the-rock-sites-of-cappadocia/

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Assalamualaikum and hi people!

Thanks everyone. Photo by Tumblr

Are you done reading all my posts? I hope all of you satisfied with my topics that I have chosen.

Alhamdulillah, this is my final post to this blog. I feel so relieved yet happy to finish it all. I’m sure 16 posts is not easy to be finished but once I discover the topic that I never know I found it is so interesting and can enhance my knowledge!

For example, ‘the camera human’ topic is really interesting to me. All this while we know many paintist since ancients ago, right? They paint really well, but this one is very unique to me. Stephen Wiltshire draws without the object in front of him, because he can memorize the objects that he want to draw. For example, he can draw and paint the whole view of Singapore, every building that he looks with the structure of the building as well. I’m so enchanted!

I hope with all the topics that I post in this blog can boost the objectives that I have mentioned in the introduction post. And also, I hope this blog can be beneficial to all the readers and can attract to all of you to know more the hidden things in the world!

Last but not least, I bestow my token of appreciation to my lecturer of Digital and Mobile Communication, Sir Zulfakhri bin Mohd Zulkefli because of his guidance of making this blog and also million thanks to all my friends that contributed to this blog. I hope all of you will satisfy and happy as I have put extra effort to finished this blog.


Thanks and see you again :)

Wednesday 2 September 2015


Hi people. This is my last post for this topic, so today my post is about the village that has no road. Could you imagine that?

Small village in Gietroon with no roads. Photo by Google

But in Giethoon which is in Netherlands it is real!
Whoever wants to feel stay in modesty village and to relax their mind maybe can visit this small village.  This small village has no roads, many bridges for about 150 and connecting each other by canal, so people there used boats. There are also small walking path to the people who walks but there are no motorized traffic.

People use boats through the canal to go anywhere. Photo by Singlishbahasarojak.org 

According to Jill Paul (2012), It's no surprise Giethoorn is a popular tourist attraction and has been given the nickname the Venice of the Netherlands. Cycling and sailing as well as a guided canal tour are some of the many ways to discover its rustic charm. 

This village was famous by the name Venice from Netherlands. The history of this small village is this village was opened by the refugees from Mediterranean by the year of 1230. Giethroon become famous after there was a movie that filmed there by Bet Haanstra.

What are you waiting for? if you want to have a peaceful place, lets visit there!

if you want to know more about this small village, you can reach here

Bye :)


Hi and assalamualaikum everyone!

The most expensive meal in the entire world. Photo by Petrossian

What meals that is the most expensive that you had eaten? As for me, I had eaten burger that cost about RM10! To me that is expensive because I think we can just buy burger at low than RM5. Isn’t?

Today I want to make you stumble and faint because this meal is very expensive in the world, which is caviar. 

Sturgeon fish that people take it's egg. Photo by Bigfishoftheworld

Do you know caviar? Me myself never experience watch in my eyes what in the world caviar is. Caviar is egg of Acipenseridae or sturgeon fish. Usually, this eggs will process and sterilize with salt before eat as a luxury meal. 

The most exclusive part, the cost of this egg for a spoon can be millions! It is very expensive like the price of a pearl.

According to Rosminah Haji Bakkang (2015), the proponent of eating this caviar is Parsian. They are acknowledged as the first group of people that had eaten this egg. They have practiced to eat this caviar after they believe this egg able to increase the physical ability and immune system of the body. This beliefs developed until 'Zaman Pertengahan' and the demand of this eggs on that time is over the limit.

The effects of eating this caviar egg is the fish is already extinct. Due to the responsible to the biodiversity, a fisherman with his son from Austria to create Strottarge Bianco.

Powdery caviar that has invented by the fisherman. Photo by Dailymail.co
So how about us, are we have the responsibility to maintain the biodiversity of the fish? 

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for my last entry, okay? Bye :)

Tuesday 1 September 2015


Hi and good morning everyone. 

Stephen Wiltshire while drawing Tokyo. Photo by Saatchigallery

Do you have any hidden talent? As for me I think I don’t have one unless the martial art of silat but I think it is more to my passion. 

So today I will explore and reveal to you, ‘The Camera Human’. Usually we heard cameraman, right? A person who will take photo of us or surrounding. But today, it is camera human!

This talented guy named Stephen Wiltshire, 41 were given title as ‘The Human Camera’ as he is able to draw every single angle that he remembered. He is obsesses with the building structure and the latest one, he drew Singapore’s whole view. 

Singapore view which has been drawn by Stephen Wiltshire. Photo by Stephen Wiltshire

He watched Singapore’s view by taking ride of helicopter for about an hour then he able to finished drawing the Singapore’s whole view in just 5 days! He able to draw every single structure of the building and it looked perfect!
Amazing, right?

This guy has his own history, where in his child moment, he unable to speak even a word. When he was in three years old, he went to medical checkup and doctor confirmed that he got Autism. Then he went to Queensmill in West London when he was in five years old. This place was beginning of his hidden talent.

All of you can click here to know more about autism :)

According to Nur Amirah Tuah (2015), Wiltshire become viral after the United Kingdom former Prime Minister bought his Salisbury Cathederal drawing. It is not the ordinary people, but it is the former of Prime Minister. Not only Wiltshire, but all of his members in family proud of his talent. Furthermore, he is a part of ‘London Alphabet’ program when he was ten years old.

London Alphabet that Wiltshire drew. Photo by Stephen Wiltshire.co

Because of his obsessed with the drawing, he pursues his study in arts at City & Guides Art College. He also was awarded as Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) on 2006.

Below is the video of Wiltshire :)

May all of you can express your hidden talent and make it real and also had inspire of this human camera story :)

See you guys in the next post! Bye!


Adenium Socotranum. Photo by Jan Vandorpe

Assalamualaikum everyone. How was your day? Are you ready to explore new things? hehe

Today I will explore about Socotra Island? Have you ever heard that this island is the most peculiar in this world. This island is an exotic place where we could see it as a fantasy world. This island is filled by the bizarre floras and faunas. Whoever visits this island will think they are in the other world.

Weird creature only can be seen at Socotra Island. Photo by Tomas Van Houtryve

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all tapped the treasures of Socotra’s natural world: aromatic resins such as frankincense, medicinal aloe extract, and the dark red sap of the dragon’s blood tree, used for healing and as an artist’s color. 

Adventurers came to harvest the island’s wealth, despite stories that it was guarded by giant snakes living in its caves. The Queen of Sheba, Alexander the Great, and Marco Polo were among those who coveted Socotra’s riches.

The climate is harsh, hot and dry, and yet the most amazing plant life thrives there. Situated in the Indian Ocean 250 km from Somalia and 340 km from Yemen, the wide sandy beaches rise to limestone plateaus full of caves (some 7 kilometers in length) and mountains up to 1525 meters high.

Plant that stored water and does not has root. Photo by Jan Vandorpe

Many plants here rely on mists for water. Some of Socotra’s rarest endemics grow on steep cliffs in the mountains and around the island’s perimeter, where they soak up moisture that collects when mist condenses on rocks. 

Those upturned dragon’s blood branches are in fact an evolutionary adaptation to gather precious moisture from mist in the air—and there is less of that water available now. 

If climate change is responsible for the lack of regeneration of dragon’s blood and other rare plants, there may be no short-term solution. In the meantime Banfield and other conservationists are equally concerned about other human-caused threats to Socotra’s biodiversity.

According to Mohd Hafiz (2011), this island has been awarded from UNESCO on July 2008. The people there must keep this place and cannot do any construction at this island.

Do you want to travel to Socotra Island? to see by yourself all the bizarre floras and faunas that you will never see at your place? 

Do watch this video to see more about Socotra Island :)

Hope you enjoy, and see you in the next post! Bye!


Mono Lake surrounds with formation of corals. Photo by Wikipedia

Hi everyone, welcome back. How are you today? 

Alhamdulillah, just now, I have consulted with Sir Zul and he is okay with my blog, so far.

So, let proceed with Mono Lake. Do you know where is Mono Lake? 

Mono lake is located at Serra Nevada Mountains, California and become the largest lake in Mono Country.
The unique yet bizarre of this lake is it always forms corals as long like a tower. It has been formed the corals million years ago.

The question here is how it is happen?

No one knows how it is happen. However, after the experts had investigated, then this happen due to the Mono Lake geology surrounding.

Actually, Mono Lake has formed from the volcano. The fracture of sediment and the formation of earth like crater had proved the facts. It seems to be in the large pail.
This lake has never connected to any sea yet this lake is very salty. 

There is no animal live in the lake including fish or insects. Usually, any lake is tasteless. It is undefined as the sea is not mixed with this lake until it becomes very salty.

Through the investigation, Mono Lake has about 280 million gram of salt with the different level of salt until there is triple level raised of the sea. So that is why people call it ‘dead lake’.

According to Rosminah Haji Bakkang (2015), under this Mono Lake, there are varieties of weird formation like castle or called as tufa. Tufa is seemed like coral.
However, after the descending of lake, the tufa cannot be seen in the lake while it can be seen on the ground.

So, that is all about Mono Lake. All of you can read the details of this Mono lake here.

See you in the next post, bye! :)